As a Qualified Applicable Large Employer (ALE), choosing the right employee health insurance plan is crucial for your organization’s financial health and employee satisfaction. Two popular options for providing healthcare coverage to your employees are Fully Insured Plans and Level Funded Plans.… Read More
THE HIGH COST OF HEALTH CARE AND THE EVOLUTION OF INSURANCE PLANS WITH HIGH DEDUCTIBLES HAS CREATED A MARKET FOR VOLUNTARY BENEFITS. Worksite benefits, often referred to as employee benefits or perks, play a crucial role in the modern workplace. Beyond just being a tool for attracting and retaining talent, worksite benefits have far-reaching advantages that benefit not only employees but also employers and society as a whole.… Read More
Living a longer, healthier life requires physical activity, eating healthy, and routine visits to the doctor. When these three factors work together, it allows you to stay your healthiest. In turn- your odds of living longer increase. The Importance of Physical Activity Physical activity doesn’t always mean an intense hour-long workout at the gym every day.… Read More
  The Employee Retention Tax Credit was rolled out as part of the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act. It was enacted to encourage employers to retain employees throughout the Coronavirus pandemic. As our country begins to understand the full scope of COVID-19, this credit could allow employers to keep employees on their payroll and keep their doors open.… Read More
With the 2024 employee benefits open enrollment season rapidly approaching, employers find themselves at a crucial crossroads in determining the affordability of their health plans for employees.  Recent IRS guidance has ushered in significant changes, making it imperative for Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) to stay informed and navigate the evolving landscape.… Read More
In today’s competitive job market, employers are constantly seeking new ways to attract and retain top talent. One area that has seen significant advancements and innovation is employee benefits. As the workforce evolves, so do the expectations and needs of employees.… Read More
In today’s competitive job market, employee retention is a pressing concern for employers in the Hospitality and Food Services industry. To tackle this challenge effectively, one powerful tool at the disposal of hospitality operators is the design of comprehensive employee benefits packages, with a particular focus on health insurance and retirement benefits.… Read More
In the healthcare sector, home health agencies often face a higher likelihood of IRS audits due to potential ACA non-compliance. This increased scrutiny primarily results from the prevalence of hourly employees in the industry and data collection complexities. To prevent such audits, agencies must thoroughly review their compliance records and grasp the federal government’s requirements, as advised by compliance experts.… Read More
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, businesses must navigate a myriad of choices when it comes to providing health insurance for their employees. One option that has gained attention, particularly among smaller businesses and those seeking to comply with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) plans. … Read More
In the world of employer compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 2024 brings significant changes as the IRS increases penalties for noncompliance. Let’s dive into these updates and their practical implications for employers. What is Changing in 2024? In 2024, we can expect to see some noteworthy changes in the realm of noncompliance penalties.… Read More