Healthcare providers have been offering remote services for years, which have allowed patients to receive healthcare from the comfort of their own homes.

However, following the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine services became a necessity and are now a common tool utilized by many patients and healthcare professionals.

Why? These phone and video calls help patients protect themselves and others as well as provide a host of other benefits (but more on this later!) 

In this article, we’ll discuss what telemedicine is, the types of telemedicine, and when patients should be using these services. Let’s dive in.

What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine allows healthcare providers to connect with patients without an in-person visit. Telemedicine services are provided primarily online or via smartphone through video chats or phone calls.

What is the Difference Between Telehealth and Telemedicine?

The terms “telemedicine” and “telehealth” are often used interchangeably, though the two have a few key differences: telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical services and telehealth can refer to remote non-clinical services. 

Telemedicine, as stated by the World Health Organization, is “healing from a distance.” You receive treatment without an appointment or visiting the office.

Telehealth uses electronic information to support long-distance clinical healthcare, education, and administrative activities. It improves patient care and physician education rather than providing a service. Telehealth involves scheduling appointments, medical education continuation, and training for physicians.

In short, all telemedicine is telehealth, but not all telehealth is telemedicine. 

Types of Telemedicine

Using telemedicine, you can discuss symptoms and medical issues, receive a diagnosis, learn treatment options, and get prescriptions. There are a few common types of telemedicine which include:

Real-Time or Interactive Medicine

Interactive telemedicine, also commonly referred to as real-time or live telemedicine,  involves a physician and patient communicating in real-time.  

Real-time telemedicine involves any two-way communications –such as video conferencing and phone calls – that let providers and patients talk and allows healthcare providers to offer medical care. 

Some common services provided via interactive telemedicine include assessments of medical history, basic visual examinations, psychiatric evaluations, and even ophthalmic tests.

Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring gives caregivers the ability to monitor patients who have medical equipment that collects information like blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and more.

Through technology, information is sent to healthcare professionals and allows them to provide care and keep an eye on patients without the patients needing to visit in person. 

Remote patient monitoring can result in benefits such as reducing the time a patient needs to be in the hospital, reducing a patient’s exposure to other illnesses present in a healthcare building, as well as giving the patient time to recover at home. 

Remote patient monitoring is especially effective for chronic conditions such as heart disease, asthma, and diabetes.

Store and Forward Practices

In telemedicine, store and forward practices allow providers to share their patient’s information with other healthcare specialists and professionals.

The most significant advantage of these practices is that it doesn’t require the simultaneous attention of the delivering and receiving parties.

Many healthcare professionals—such as field technicians, caregivers, or specialists, for example—can collect the necessary data and upload it for use by other healthcare professionals.  

When Should You Use Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is for straightforward questions and issues, and any follow-up consults. It also can be helpful with psychotherapy and teledermatology. Some examples of straightforward issues include cold and flu symptoms, insect bites, diarrhea, pink eye, and sore throats.

Telemedicine has advanced our current health care options by offering several new benefits. It is making healthcare accessible for more patients, whether they live in a remote location, have a packed schedule, or any number of other reasons.

When Should You NOT Use Telemedicine?

Telemedicine is not for emergencies. For anything that requires urgent, primary care, you should go to a doctor in person. 

Benefits of Telemedicine

Telemedicine Saves Time

These services also help people avoid unnecessary hospital visits, which helps healthcare professionals give advice at a distance, save time, and reduce costs for both patients and doctors. Not only will it help avoid hospital visits when they aren’t necessary, but it will also give patients in the hospital the ability to discharge sooner by monitoring their vitals with telemedicine.

Telemedicine is Affordable

A recent study found that the average telemedicine visit is around $79, whereas an average doctor’s appointment is $149, and a trip to the emergency room costs, on average, $1,734. As telemedicine continues to grow, health insurance providers are offering coverage for telemedicine visits. Some states even require that health insurance plans reimburse patients for telemedicine visits.

Telemedicine is Accessible

Telemedicine offers a more accessible opportunity for healthcare and changes the way we visit the doctor. At Innovative HIA, we offer the most competitive limited benefit plans in the industry, including virtual health options! Check out our services for more information!

Read on for the pros and cons of telemedicine.


Consistent exercise creates long-lasting health benefits. Promoting regular exercise improves heart health, lowers cholesterol, increases brain function, reduces cancer risk, lowers stress, improves sleep and so much more. 

All of these come together to facilitate a more productive lifestyle and work environment because your team is more capable of managing their stress and responsibilities. Additionally, healthy employees take fewer sick days and miss less work due to health-related concerns. Yet another example of how encouraging healthy habits promotes productivity in the workplace. A healthy team means you spend less on healthcare costs and more on reinvesting into your employees themselves. 

We suggest getting creative to encourage employee physical activity. Some suggestions include: 

  • Provide weekly group workout classes
  • Develop walking or running groups
  • Partner with local gyms or yoga studios to offer discounts or added benefits
  • Offer employees free or subsidized gym memberships
  • Create friendly exercise competitions 
  • Try a hula hoop challenge 

Preventative care

Visiting your doctor for an annual physical is one of the best long-term health strategies. You grow your health history and build a relationship with your physician. The routine physical exam keeps you up to date on important vaccinations, assesses lab results, and addresses any concerns your doctor or you may have. Additionally, attending these visits can potentially catch any more serious health issues that may arise before they become something potentially more dangerous. 

Wellness check-ups

Maintaining good mental health is just as important as physical health. Increasing awareness of stress management strategies and sleep habits can help employees stay well-balanced. Additionally, employees that are supported with access to resources to combat mental health are more likely to be positive, engaged, and determined.

Investing in employee health and well-being is critical to the ongoing success of most businesses. Try different methods to promote wellness in your employees such as: 

  • Team retreats
  • Breathwork and reflection
  • Solicit the expertise of a sleep expert to educate your team on the importance of sleep
  • Keep work at work

All in all, promoting healthy lifestyles and providing employees with the tools to live successfully healthier lifestyles can lead to many benefits. Employees will be less likely to take sick days and more likely to stay loyal to your company and be happier in their work environment. Overall, you gain increased productivity in the workplace. 

If you’re looking for a comprehensive, affordable, ACA-compliant benefits plan to offer your employees, look no further. At SBMA Benefits, our goal is to provide affordable health coverage to help keep your employees healthy and promote their overall well-being. If you’re interested in offering SBMA benefits to your team, call or contact us today. 

School is back in session!

As a parent, we’re sure you’re excited that the summer chaos, coordinating camps and activities, and simply having your children around 24/7 have ended!

As you know, going back to school typically means your child gets sick more frequently. So, how can you safeguard your child and the rest of your family’s wellness this back-to-school season?

Below are a few tips.

Stay Up-to-Date on Immunizations and Vaccines

Vaccination requirements typically vary on a state-by-state basis or even in a school-specific district. To find out precisely what immunizations your child needs, contact your local school board.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians recommend a few specific vaccines based on your child’s age. These are as follows:

By Age Two

A vaccination series of the following vaccines should be completed in all children by age two:

  • Hepatitis B
  • DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis)
  • Hib (Haemophilus influenzae)
  • Polio
  • Pneumococcus
  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
  • Varicella (protects against chicken pox)

In addition, annual flu vaccines are recommended for infants from six to 24 months, as this age group is at high risk of complications from contracting the flu.

Hepatitis A vaccines may also be recommended starting at age 2 for those in high-risk groups or areas.

Age Four to Six

Typically, boosters are recommended between ages four to six for DTaP, Polio, and MMR. Those who are younger than nine and have not received the flu vaccine, need two doses of the vaccine given more than one month apart. After age nine, annual vaccination is recommended.

Children with asthma or lung diseases, sickle cell anemia, HIV, diabetes, and heart or kidney disease should receive the influenza vaccination annually.

Age 11 to 12

At around age 11 to 12, a pediatrician visit is recommended to review vaccinations and ensure all necessary immunizations have been provided. At this age, a hepatitis B, MMR, or varicella vaccine may be given if missed or incomplete at earlier ages.

Your child may also receive a combination of boosters for tetanus and diphtheria (if five years have passed since the last Td vaccine). Children with a high risk of complications from the flu should receive an annual vaccine. 

Attend Annual Checkups

Annual doctor’s office visits and check-ups can help prevent greater health issues later on down the line. These check-ups can help identify hearing and vision issues, malnutrition, and other lifestyle imbalances.

Hearing and Vision Issues

Vision and hearing losses are often overlooked in children at a younger age. These issues are difficult to identify if your child is not getting tested in their annual check-up for vision and hearing ability.

Identifying these issues early on can make a huge impact on your child’s ability to learn and engage both in school and at home.


A child’s development depends on proper nutrition, both physically and cognitively. Malnutrition is an issue that impacts children globally, including in the U.S.

Annual checks and doctor’s visits can help give you greater insight into how your child is developing compared to other children of the same age. A slight change in nutrition can have a huge impact on your child’s ability to learn.

Infographic for "Safeguard Your Family's Wellness This Back-to-School Season"

MEC Covered Services for Children

To make sure your child can receive the care they need to remain healthy during the school year, you need proper insurance coverage.

Minimum essential coverage (MEC) offers an affordable coverage option to keep you and your family healthy at all times.

Some of the services covered for children include:

  • Alcohol and drug use assessments for adolescents
  • Autism screening for children at 18 and 24 months
  • Behavioral assessments for children at 0 to 11 months, one to four years, five to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, and 15 to 17 years
  • Bilirubin concentration screening for newborns
  • Blood Pressure screening for children at 0-11 months, one to four years, five to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, and 15 to 17 years
  • Blood screening for newborns
  • Cervical dysplasia screening for sexually active females
  • Depression screening for adolescents
  • Developmental screening for children under age three
  • Dyslipidemia screening for children at higher risk of lipid disorders at one to four years, five to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, and 15 to 17 years
  • Fluoride chemoprevention supplements for children without fluoride in their water source
  • Fluoride varnish for all infants and children as soon as teeth are present
  • Gonorrhea preventive medication for the eyes of all newborns
  • Hearing screen for all newborns; and for children once between 11 and 14 years, 15 and 17 years, and 18 and 21 years
  • Height, weight, and body mass index measurements for children at 0 to 11 months, one to four years, five to 10 years, 11 to 14 years, and 15 to 17 years of age
  • Hematocrit or hemoglobin screening for all children
  • Hemoglobinopathies or sickle cell screening for newborns
  • Hepatitis B screening for adolescents ages 11 to 17 years at high risk.
  • HIV screening for adolescents at higher risk
  • Hypothyroidism screening for newborns

These services in combination with preventative measures taken at home can help keep your family and your children safe during the back-to-school influx of sickness.

Looking to start a family or grow your current family? Take a look at one of our recent articles to learn about pregnancy and minimum essential coverage.

Spring is in the air. This means it’s time to spring clean not only your home but also your healthy habits. By focusing on simple ways to improve your health, you are setting yourself up to take advantage of lifelong health benefits. Implementing healthy habits is simpler than you’d think. 

Use Your Health Plan to Your Advantage 

Your health plan is a resource to be used to your advantage. Using your plan helps you stay healthy, and find any potential chronic illnesses before they become dangerous. 

Basic health insurance plans, like Minimum Essential Coverage plans, include ACA-compliant services that cover wellness, preventative services, prescription discounts, and telehealth services.  

How can you use your health insurance to spring clean your health? 

First, visit your primary care provider. Plans offer coverage for an annual checkup with your primary care physician. This annual checkup helps keep you and your healthcare team ahead of potential chronic illnesses by catching a diagnosis early. This visit allows your provider to consistently monitor your health year after year. Anything found during this visit can be addressed and monitored before it becomes more serious. 

Next, use your plan to cover routine vaccinations. They protect your body and keep you strong against viral and bacterial illnesses. It helps you reduce the risk of contracting disease or spreading disease. 

Your health plan may offer prescription discounts that make medication more affordable. If your healthcare provider prescribes a medication, stay healthy by taking your medication as directed, and save money in the process.  

Lab work and screenings act similarly to your annual physical. If the lab work or screenings flag your doctor of potential illness, catching it early can help you stay healthy, longer. 

Use Telemedicine Services

Telemedicine supports your health by providing you with cost-effective access to your medical resources. Oftentimes, telehealth copays are less expensive than an office co-pay. 

Use telehealth as an opportunity to speak with your health care team regarding:

  • Medical test results 
  • Lifestyle coaching 
  • Health coaching 
  • Consultation visits 
  • Medication management 
  • Chronic disease management 


Patients receive the same quality of care with telehealth visits as they do in a provider’s office. Taking advantage of telemedicine services supports your health, reduces time spent at the doctor’s office, and saves money. Learn more about the top reasons why you should use telehealth here

Eat Fruits and Vegetables

A well-balanced diet including fruits and vegetables, especially those in season, help promote your health. A few of the positive effects they have on your body include: 

  • Lowering blood pressure 
  • Reducing the risk of stroke 
  • Cancer prevention 
  • Reduce digestive issues 
  • Support your vision 
  • Promote weight loss
  • And more 


Easy ways to add fruits and vegetables into your daily diet are by keeping them where you can see them, and by incorporating them into a meal itself (i.e. soups, salads, and stir-fries). 

Instead of turning towards a sugary treat after a meal, try an in-season fruit. It’ll satisfy your sweet tooth and support your body’s overall health simultaneously. 

Curious if the foods you think are actually healthy for you, are? Take our quiz here to find out if the foods marketed as “healthy” are actually good for you. 

Drink Water 

Oftentimes, the answer seems to be “drink more water.”  This may be one of the best ways to spring clean your health this season because of how much it can positively impact your wellbeing. 

At a basic level, water helps your body function by: 

  • Eliminating waste through urination, and perspiration
  • Temperature regulation 
  • Lubricating and cushioning joints 
  • Protecting sensitive tissues 

Dehydration can lead to fatigue and a reduction in your body’s ability to perform the way it needs to. 

Other ways water supports your health is through:

  • Supporting brain functions 
  • Supporting your kidneys 
  • Aiding with digestion 
  • Promoting clearer skin and skin elasticity 

How much water should you drink a day? According to The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine men should drink at least 15.5 cups a day and women should drink at least 11.5 cups a day. One way you can increase your liquid intake is by swapping out sugary drinks for water. Your body will thank you for it.  

Walk 11 Minutes A Day 

Ideally, physicians recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day.  Unfortunately, the increase in more sedentary lifestyles hinders the amount of physical activity people take daily. Forbes found that the average stay-at-home employee sits for about 15 hours a day. 

Sitting for the majority of the day has detrimental effects on the body. In fact, the Mayo Clinic analyzed 13 studies and found that all found, “sitting time and activity levels found in those who sat for more than 8 hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying posed by obesity and smoking.” 

A way to combat the negative effects sitting has on your health is by taking at least an 11-minute walk a day. The positive impact it has on your health is lifelong according to a study by the British Journal of Sports Medicine. They found that walking for at least 11 minutes a day actually combats the negative effects of sitting for long periods of time. 


Take Standing Breaks

As previously mentioned, sitting for long periods of time has detrimental effects on your body. Its impact is so great that it is now coined “the new smoking.” 

A few ways it hurts your body is through:

  • Leading to weight gain 
  • Muscle loss 
  • Links to lung, uterine, and colon cancer 

Learn more about the long and short-term effects here

A way to combat the negative effects of sitting is to support your health is by taking standing breaks. Ways you can do this is through:

  • Standing while working 
  • Walking during meetings 
  • Taking movement breaks
  • Stretch during the day
  • Take walks 
  • Set timers to move around 

A Final Word

Spring clean your healthy habits by implementing these habits. Together, they have a lifelong impact on supporting your overall wellbeing. For more healthy habit tips, read our article giving tips on using your health insurance to meet your health goals. 

use the resources you have, like your health plan, to spring clean your health

Article originally published on SBMA Benefits.

Telehealth, a once overlooked method of healthcare services, has significantly grown as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual visits are now part of everyday medical services. Its booming growth in the medical industry helps grant easier access to patient care for those in remote areas, or those seeking services that don’t necessitate in-person visits. But that’s not all. Let’s discuss the top five reasons you should use telehealth services. 

1. Save Time on your Appointments 

Telehealth visits cut down the time you spend before, during, and after your appointments. Participating in a virtual visit allows you to speak with your healthcare provider at a time and place that is convenient for you- likely in the comfort of your own home. It eliminates the time you spend getting ready, driving to the doctor’s office, waiting in the waiting room, waiting for any delays, and more. 

Research found that telemedicine visits average about 13-15 minutes while in-person visits average about 2 hours. 

Time is valuable, and you want to spend less time in the waiting room, and more time healing. 

2. Consult With a Healthcare Professional if You Need to Go in Person 

Not all appointments require you to physically be in the healthcare provider’s office. Virtual visits are best used in cases of:

  • New patient onboarding 
  • Sharing test results 
  • Chronic disease management 
  • Medication management 
  • Consultation visits 
  • Lifestyle / health coaching

Skip the waiting room and use telemedicine to your advantage when seeking out services that do not require an in-person visit. 

Not all injuries or illnesses can be satisfied with a virtual telehealth visit. A benefit to taking advantage of telehealth services is by first making a telehealth appointment to speak with your health care team to see if you should in fact go physically into the office. In these instances, telemedicine visits help you and your physician determine if you should seek treatment in-person or if the condition can be treated or discussed virtually. 

Seeking the counsel of a professional through a telemedicine visit can save you time by first determining if you need to actually go into the office or not. If you don’t it saves you a visit, and at least 2 hours in the doctor’s office. 


3. Cost-Effective

Telehealth is more cost-effective than an in-person office visit. Why? The main reason is that the cost of a telehealth visit is typically less than the cost of an in-person visit. 

Standard telehealth visits cost, on average, about $50. A standard in-office visit, however, can cost upwards of $176. While these estimates may vary based on insurance co-pays etc. the fact remains the same, that the overall cost of telehealth services is dramatically more affordable. 

It also saves on the expenses of transportation to the office itself. 

4. Receive Equivalent Quality of Care 

The quality of care you receive with a telehealth visit is equivalent to the quality of care in an in-office visit. You still have access to a dedicated team of healthcare professionals equipped with the same resources you need in the provider’s office. Your healthcare provider is still actively seeking ways to improve your health no matter if they see you physically or through a screen. 

Reports conducted by American Well and Massachusetts General Hospital found the following regarding patient’s experiences with telehealth:

  • “Patients reported that telemedicine visits resolved their concerns 85% of the time, versus just 64% of the time for brick-and-mortar appointments
  • Patients believe telehealth services can meet their needs as effectively as in-person visits.
  • Telemedicine users are very satisfied with the service. 
  • 79% of respondents perceived telemedicine as more convenient in terms of scheduling
  • 83% felt that the care was as good or better than an in-person visit, and 66% felt personally connected to their telehealth practitioner”

Furthermore, the American Journal of Accountable Care found that telemedicine has created a space for better long-term care management and patient satisfaction. It provides a new way to find health information and allows practitioners a more streamlined method of communicating with patients (such as video conferences, e-mail, and interactive chats). 

5. Decreased Risk of Exposure to Viruses and Bacteria 

An in-person office visit exposes you to other people who could be fending off viruses or bacterial infections. Virtual visits decrease your exposure to others who have an illness that could be passed to you. Additionally, if you have an easily transmissible illness, a virtual visit keeps those around you, and your healthcare team safe. 

For more information about telemedicine, review the difference between mHealth, eHealth, Telemedicine, and Telehealth here

Telehealth is a tool to use to your advantage

Article originally published on SBMA Benefits.



New Year’s resolutions are known to fall by the wayside just as quickly as they begin. Old habits die hard. The exercise routines, juice cleanse, and promises of a healthier fresh start can easily be put on the backburner. In a recent study, researchers found that in 2022:


  • 26% of people planned to lose weight
  • 24% of people wanted to exercise more
  • 21% of people want to eat healthier 


No matter where you are on your health journey – you can still use your health insurance to meet your health goals. But how? It’s simpler than you’d think. Let’s dive in. 

MEC Coverage 

Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) plans meet the minimum requirements for an insurance plan to be considered compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). All applicable large employers (ALEs) with 50 or more full-time employees must offer 95% of their full-time employees ACA-compliant benefits. If they don’t provide this coverage, ALEs are liable for fines and penalties by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Read more here on why offering MEC benefits is more affordable than not.  


The three tiers of MEC options available are: 


  1. Standard MEC plans are ACA compliant and include coverage for wellness, preventative services, prescription discounts, and telehealth services. 
  2. Enhanced MEC plans take coverage one step further than standard plans and are aimed at attracting and retaining top talent by also including primary and urgent care visits with low copays, and discounted specialist and laboratory services. 
  3. The highest-level MEC plans include the enhanced MEC plan benefits along with added coverage such as prescription coverage and low copays. 

How To Use Health Insurance to Meet Health Goals

Your health insurance can lead you toward the right steps to keep yourself healthy. Preventative care can help keep you and your healthcare team ahead of potential chronic illnesses. Catching diagnoses such as high blood pressure, or other similar conditions early can help avoid them becoming more serious down the road.


By using your health insurance resources, you are actively using the tools readily available to you to meet your health goals. Let’s unpack how a basic MEC plan can help you achieve your health goals. 


Annual Physical 

One of the best ways you can support your health goals is by visiting your primary care provider annually. This appointment helps you consistently monitor your physical health year over year. During a physical, your healthcare provider will examine you to check for any underlying conditions you may not be aware of before they become more serious or potentially deadly. 


In a poll taken by Kaiser Health, 92% of Americans do believe in the importance of an annual physical, but only about 62% of Americans actually take advantage of their annual physical. 


If your healthcare provider identifies an issue during your visit, they can then help you identify the best course of action for treatment or refer you to a specialist. 



Routine vaccines are another great way to help your body stay healthy and strong against viruses and bacteria that cause illness. 


Vaccines help develop the body’s immunity and create stronger defenses to fight against disease. According to the CDC, “Every year thousands of adults in the U.S. become seriously ill and are hospitalized because of diseases that vaccines can help prevent.” 


Receiving your routine preventative and wellness vaccinations can:


  1. Lower your chance of getting certain diseases, like how the Hepatitis B vaccine lowers your risk of liver cancer 
  2. Lowers your odds of spreading disease to others 


Click here to see the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule. 



Virtual visits are a great way to speak with a healthcare professional to continue making the healthiest decisions for yourself. Seeking expert advice can help you know how to best care for yourself, and know when it is a good idea to see a physician in person. 


Having a telehealth visit before an in-person exam can help the healthcare provider prepare for your visit, and understand what you may need in case you do need to go into the office. It also reduces the time you take to physically go to the appointment, wait in the waiting room, and return home. 


Your health journey isn’t yours alone. Use resources like telehealth visits to maximize physician resources. 


For more information on how to make the most out of your telehealth visit, read our article here. 


Prescription Discounts  

Medication can be expensive. Let your health insurance support the cost of necessary medications that keep your body healthy and functioning properly. Using your insurance prescription discount can help save hundreds, if not more, dollars on medications that some may not be able to live without.


Certain providers may be able to offer generic options for brand-name drugs to save you money while still getting you the medications you need.


Screenings/ Bloodwork 

Take advantage of the screenings and bloodwork panels included in your preventative care and wellness insurance plans. These screenings and bloodwork exams were created for a reason– to flag any potential illness before it becomes an issue. 


The Bottom Line

Catching a chronic illness or disease before it becomes more difficult to manage is one of the best outcomes of preventative care. 


Use to resources that your health insurance offers to keep yourself healthy. Taking advantage of these preventative care services are small manageable opportunities for you to implement your New Year’s health resolution throughout the year.  


Looking for more information on minor medical coverage? Read our article here

health insurance can be used to meet health goals

Article originally published on SBMA Benefits.

Preventative care is the measure you take to prevent illness or disease before it grows into a more difficult problem. It can include:

  • Physical exams
  • Immunizations
  • Screenings

Preventative Care 

Encouraging preventative care benefits your company short and long term. When employees have access to resources to support their wellbeing, they are able to utilize them to continue on a healthier trajectory to be more present and engaging during day-to-day tasks.

If an employee uses the benefits and goes to their annual physical exam, they have a baseline of health. This results in employees becoming aware of chronic issues that need to be monitored. Physical exam visits are opportunities for your employee to ask their healthcare provider questions about their health, along with gaining tips on how to live a healthier lifestyle.

If said employee is diagnosed with high blood pressure at this office visit, their healthcare team will take preventative measures to ensure they stay healthy. If this same employee did not attend the preventative visit, the undiagnosed high blood pressure will continue to go unnoticed and could lead to a heart attack or stroke.

If your employee attends the visit and receives proper care, you have an employee who takes less sick leave down the line. On the other hand, if your employee was not encouraged to take preventative healthcare measures, they could end up suffering from a heart attack or stroke. This case ends up requiring your employee to take time off to heal and recover and less time at work. Preventative care increases overall productivity in the workplace.

Preventative care also covers immunizations and vaccinations like:

  • Influenza
  • COVID-19
  • Tdap

This promotes overall wellness for employees because they will be less susceptible to diseases and illnesses. This allows them to spend more time continuing the success of your business.

Around 50% of people without health insurance plans went to an annual physical. Without insurance, physicals can cost up to $300. Imagine half of your employees falling ill and needing to take leave due to worsening unseen underlying conditions.

Benefits for You 

Providing affordable healthcare for employees reduces the stress associated with healthcare, like expensive medical bills. Additionally, when employees and their families are healthy, they miss fewer workdays to tend to their medical conditions, resulting in overall increased productivity for your business.

Employees who are supported through covered preventative care gain access to resources that combat preventable illness and are more likely to be positive, engaged, and determined to do their best at their place of work.

Investing in your employees is a critical entity in the ongoing success of most businesses. Offering a comprehensive health plan to employees not only helps attract and retain talent but supports their general well-being.

Employees that are taken care of are more likely to invest themselves in your business. If you’re looking for a great health care benefits plan to offer your employees, look no further.

At Innovative HIA, our goal is to provide affordable health coverage to help keep your employees healthy and promote their overall well-being. If you’re interested in offering our benefits to your team, call or contact us today.