Healthcare providers have been offering remote services for years, which have allowed patients to receive healthcare from the comfort of their own homes. However, following the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine services became a necessity and are now a common tool utilized by many patients and healthcare professionals.… Read More
Exercise Consistent exercise creates long-lasting health benefits. Promoting regular exercise improves heart health, lowers cholesterol, increases brain function, reduces cancer risk, lowers stress, improves sleep and so much more.  All of these come together to facilitate a more productive lifestyle and work environment because your team is more capable of managing their stress and responsibilities.… Read More
School is back in session! As a parent, we’re sure you’re excited that the summer chaos, coordinating camps and activities, and simply having your children around 24/7 have ended! As you know, going back to school typically means your child gets sick more frequently.… Read More
Spring is in the air. This means it’s time to spring clean not only your home but also your healthy habits. By focusing on simple ways to improve your health, you are setting yourself up to take advantage of lifelong health benefits.… Read More
Telehealth, a once overlooked method of healthcare services, has significantly grown as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual visits are now part of everyday medical services. Its booming growth in the medical industry helps grant easier access to patient care for those in remote areas, or those seeking services that don’t necessitate in-person visits.… Read More
New Year’s resolutions are known to fall by the wayside just as quickly as they begin. Old habits die hard. The exercise routines, juice cleanse, and promises of a healthier fresh start can easily be put on the backburner. In a recent study, researchers found that in 2022:   26% of people planned to lose weight 24% of people wanted to exercise more 21% of people want to eat healthier    No matter where you are on your health journey – you can still use your health insurance to meet your health goals.… Read More
Preventative care is the measure you take to prevent illness or disease before it grows into a more difficult problem. It can include: Physical exams Immunizations Screenings Preventative Care  Encouraging preventative care benefits your company short and long term. When employees have access to resources to support their wellbeing, they are able to utilize them to continue on a healthier trajectory to be more present and engaging during day-to-day tasks.… Read More